Knights of Pythias

Our purpose is to help preserve the rich and colorful history of The Order of Knights of Pythias.
To accomplish this, we rely on our brothers, sisters, historians and Pythian friends to send us
information and web links about past events, former members and related historical subjects.

Military Organization

California Regiments

Headquarters Third Regiment - Los Angeles - Colonel Jack A Williams - Commanding (1923)

California Companies

San Fransisco Company No. 3 - San Fransisco
Sonora Company No. 4
Cavalier Company No. 6
Richmound Company No. 13
Maniton Company No. 23
Martinez Company No. 26 - San Pedro?
Olympic Company No. 31 - Grass Valley
Washington Company No. 49 - Vallejo
Neptune Company No. 65
Tustin Company No. 23 - Tustin (1913)?
Tustin Company No. 78 - Tustin (1923)?
O. P. Brady, Lieut. - Neptune Company No. 65
Col Davidson, Lieut.
Kirk, Major
Walton, Colonel
Fred E. Wheaton, Brigadiar General
W. A. Whitten, Capt.- Neptune Company No. 65

U.R. Swords
Name on blade,
owners, location
G. A. Altenhoff - Grand Lodge of California (Archives)
R. A. Henry - Private Collection (CA) - Pythian

George LaForge - Grand Lodge of California (Archives)

1. 15th Anniversary - International Encampment of The Uniform Rank - Terre Haute, Indiana
2. F. J. Ruddy - Pres. Pythian Congress

Region, theater
1,000,000–10,000,000 / 4+ army groups / general, army general, five-star general or field marshal

Army group, front
400,000–1,000,000 / 2+ armies / general, army general, five-star general or field marshal

100,000–200,000 / 2–4 corps / general, army general, four-star general or colonel general

40,000–80,000 / 2+ divisions / lieutenant general, corps general or three-star general

10,000–30,000 / 2–4 brigades or regiments / major general, divisional general or two-star general

3,000–5,000 / 2+ regiments, 3–6 battalions / brigadier general, brigade general, or one-star general

1,500–3,000 / 2+ battalions / colonel Battalion / 300–1,300/ 2–6 companies / lieutenant colonel

80–225 / 2–8 platoons / chief warrant officer, captain or major

26–55 / 2+ squads / warrant officer, first or second lieutenant

8–13 / corporal to staff sergeant

Today's Pythians
The Order of Knights of Pythias - (National & International)
