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Golden Jubilee - 50th.
(1864 - 1914)

The Pythian Star
Volume II
San Diego, California, January 1914
No. 21

The Golden Jubilee Ritual

A special ritual for a special occasion - - the Golden Jubilee - - has been prepared by the Golden Jubilee Commission of the Supreme Lodge in Conjunction with the Supreme Chancellor. According to the Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal "The use of the special ritual will be enjoined upon all lodges, by proclamation of the Supreme Chancellor, and in every city, town and hamlet, where the altar of knighthood has been established, it is designed that at a given hour (8 o'clock p. m.) on Thursday evening, February 19, 1914, this service shall be rendered. In towns and cities where more than one lodge is located arrangements may be made for holding a joint service on February 19th."

The ritual is now in process of being printed and in short time will be supplied to each Grand Domain in sufficient quantities to furnish one set to each subordinate lodge, upon request. This is done for the purpose of making uniform the observance of this great semi-centennial of Pythian Knighthood. Just think of it, nearly nine thousand subordinate lodges holding simultaneously a convention the like of which has never been seen. If every Knight in good standing should attend these jubilee conventions there would be assembled around the Pythian Alters at one time nearly one million men pledged to the defense of virtue and the maintenance of right.

"Uncle" Tom Carling, our beloved Supreme Chancellor, is a lucky fellow to be the humble instrument of the Great and Mighty Chancellor to control the "best and brightest bunch of men in the United States working for the elevation of man. Ah, Tom, we do not envy you for our aspirations do not reach to the zenith you have attained, but we do congratulate you upon the success that has attended your administration, especially fortunate was the Order to have you at the head at this time for it needed a Carling to handle a Pythian jubilee, and so, we do not hesitate to state that when these million Pythian gather around or sacred altars dedicated to Friendship, Charity and Benevolence, that a paean will be sung to you, sir, and proud may you well be for it will be the outpouring of loyal and enthusiastic hearts.

Note: P. E. Beatty, G.I.G, California Historian: Sept. 14, 2013
In 1914 The Pythian Star was the offical Publication for the Grand Lodge of California.
The Editor and Proprietor was Chas. J. Creller, Past Chancelior Neptune No. 65

If anyone has a copy of the ritual they used please contact me at
(714) 504-4088 - SKYPE MediaWebLink / e-mail